We are very pleased to announce that ICT Educational Services has just been audited by the BAB and we have passed our ISO certification for another year.

“The BAB Audit Team conducted a process-based audit, focussing on significant aspects, risks and objectives as required by ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and BS EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017.


BT have partnered up with the DFE and are providing free internet access to schools until July 2021.
The thinking behind this is to give the pupils in your schools who may not have access to internet at home. The main criteria is based on the number of free school meals that pupils have at the school. The process is very easy.
Along with the existing DFE scheme for providing Wi-Fi dongles to the pupils or are affected. If the pupils in your area live in a BT hotspot they will be able to within the comfort of their homes connect to the internet using the BT service.
One of our schools has successfully already done this for their pupils, and BT provided passwords to access the BT Wi-Fi, so it’s definitely worth your school applying, if there are some children that are still not able to get online currently.
Here is the link on the offering from BT and an additional link to apply for the service from BT.
Here is a link to check, in the first case if BT is available in the post code: https://www.btwifi.com/find/
And here is the link to apply:


Recommend a school and get a 20% discount on your own Service Level Agreement (SLA)

For all SLA’s in 2021, IES are including a free curriculum support and training session with our specialist ICT Trainer. A three hour session will be provided at the school’s convenience to provide training and support to your teaching staff. This can include Smart Board, Microsoft Office Suite, animation, multimedia or curriculum support to inspire and motivate your team. Call us for more details on our ICT teaching services.